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This Handsome Bonker Is Making All The Fellas Jealous

Ladies, I think this lil bonkerino is right up your alley when it comes to memes.

He even took this Guy's Bonkin GF!

I promise on my firstborn son
that I will destroy DogeBonk.

Arthur Hayes
Former CEO of BitMex
What is "Doggy-bonk"??

How does this Mother Bonker keep doing it?

"I heard his parties were the best around."

"Wow he's so cool."

"Sometimes I wake up in the morning all sweaty after having dreams of him trying to hit me over the head with a baseball bat over and over until I spring back and forth in a rubbery cartoony fashion."

Join the Neighborhood Bonkwatch Community!

Help us keep the streets clean from all the dogs and other four-legged animals carrying baseball bats around our homes.

Growing Members
Free Artistic Expression
Competitive Health Benefits
Funny Motivational Memes
Unpaid Janitorial Positions
We'll Replace Your Family
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Why should I care?

Okay so he's successful and RICH

This guy has so much money he literally has a ticket to go to frickin' space!! WTF!!

So what do we actually do about it???

This is EVERYTHING We Know About Him:

*based on the last few years of unknown activity from the suspect.

Ethereum Founder Photographed next to Strange Dog

Vitalik was on his way to buy ice cream and was reportedly having business dealings with a dog carrying a large wooden baseball bat.

Retired "Astro-Dog" Returns From Moon Mission

Hero of 2021, the hero dog reports a successful Space mission to "dunk on all those other bitches", at last week's news event.

Elon Musk last seen at Times Square eating Sbarro

Drenched in cheap spaghetti sauce, Tesla spokesperson Elon Musk was pictured running at full speed out of a Sbarro restaurant.

The Cold, Hard

*personal opinions not based in reality


Stolen from wealthy elite bankers.


Peak cult numbers during Winter/Spring 2022


Cease & Desist Letter
from SXSW Festival

We Deserve The TRUTH

Oh no here comes the sales pitch.



Thanks to the magic of Web3 crypto-technology (that we don't fully understand), you can now directly buy $DOBO with your mom's credit card! I mean, just look at this beautiful contract. It actually says "DOBO" right at the end!!!!!!


Reasons Why You Should Buy $DOBO on ETH:

you are poor
you need money
losses can be used for tax
Need some more more convincing? Feast your eyes on these cool company logos:
"I hate my job so much, I hope this shitcoin takes off this time." - you

He Said Put A Picture of His Cars & New GF Here